ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Dilemma of Multilateralism and Its Reform
    Pu Ping
    Teaching and Research    2020, 54 (11): 98-105.  
    Abstract911)      PDF (5623KB)(193)       Save

    Multilateralism is not only a mode of international interaction and institutional arrangement, but also a policy tool and guiding ideology of the foreign policy of sovereign States. The current multilateralism crisis is directly caused by the Trump Administration's drastic revision of its multilateral foreign policy. But deeper analysis reveals that the current multilateralism has been unable to deal with challenges of the globalization era and gradually fallen into a dilemma of marginalization. Since it has been constrained by the hegemonic country in the process of its construction and evolution. The international community is in dire need of global governance. There comes various proposals and ideas for restructuring the multilateralism system. The international decentralization has pushed multilateralism to transform into a pluralistic and multilayered network structure. In which multiple actors compete against each other with less westerncentric feature. China is willing and able to contribute its wisdom and strength to the reform of multilateralism, and to shoulder its responsibility for leading the process.


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    Characteristics and Limitations of China’s UN Diplomacy
    PU Ping
    Teaching and Research    2009, (6): 82-87.  
    Abstract1325)      PDF (1489KB)(1701)       Save
    UN diplomacy is an important part of Chinese diplomacy.It plays an indispensable and all-round role when China devotes herself to peaceful development and promoting construction of harmonious world.China’s zigzag course of development and multifaceted identity lead to a unique and striking characteristics of China’s UN diplomacy.This not only helps China to gain sufficient room for participation in international political and economic affairs,promotes realization of China’s strategic goals in foreign affairs,but also contributes to establishing China’s international position as a responsible big power.However,there are obstacles to overcome for further development of China’s UN diplomacy in terms of willingness to participate,capability,experience and the reality.
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    The Approach of China’s Peaceful Development and the Idea of Harmonious World
    PU Ping
    Teaching and Research    2007, (11): 50-54.  
    Abstract1070)      PDF (736KB)(1586)       Save
    The approach to peaceful development and the idea of harmonious world are important components in the development of the Chinese international strategies.This approach conveys a message to the world about the will and ambition of a responsible big power through combinations of the following: realism and idealism,the theme of the time and world order,rejuvenation of a big power and international responsibility.
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    Environment:A New Issue in China’s International Strategy
    PU Ping
    Teaching and Research    2006, (4): 18-24.  
    Abstract1114)      PDF (935KB)(1606)       Save
    To include the issue of environment into China’s international strategy is of great practical significance for purposes of environmental protection and from the perspectives of maintaining state sovereign and securing national interests.In the course of international cooperation in environment issues China has made remarkable progress.Nevertheless there is still much room for improvement.Dealing with environmental issues creativitly as a component part of China’s international strategy can meet the needs of national interests of China and the interests of mankind as well.
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    Chinese Human Rights Policy in Affairs of Foreign Relation
    PU Ping
    Teaching and Research    2004, (9): 46-51.  
    Abstract1268)      PDF (1024KB)(1796)       Save
    The idea of human rights is not a patent of the West, nor is it a privilege of the West to use human rights policy as a means or strategy to cope with issues of foreign relations. The Chinese human rights policy in foreign affaires has been developed under the influence of many factors. It is not the same with the human rights diplomacy of the West. Instead, it reflects China’s peaceful foreign affairs strategy in the realm of human rights. The author concludes that the Chinese human rights policy in foreign affairs is an important means to ensure a peaceful international environment in order to realize our international strategic goals.
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