ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    From "Anthropocentrism" to "Categorical Existentialism of Man"
    OUYANG Zhi-yuan
    Teaching and Research    2009, (12): 19-23.  
    Abstract1169)      PDF (1273KB)(1662)       Save
    In the debate over the issue of in or out of anthropocentrism,we should first of all clarify the specific meaning of the concept "anthropocentrism" and not be confused by the misleading idea about the meaning of "center".Anthropocentrism is a concept that completely ignores man’s dependence on the life of other species.It implies a concept of survival and development regardless of the capacity of the environment.The threshold of human activities in transforming nature is not to damage the conditions for recycling of resources.With this restriction to govern human activities,it is impossible for man to become the true center of nature.The author maintains that categorical existentialism is the right view man should hold with respect to his relation with nature.On the basis of the existence of nature this view attempts to realize a free conception of survival and development in all three realms of nature,society and thinking.To reach this aim man should abandon anthropocentrism.Human beings have completed the process of upgrading from animals in terms of species relations,yet they need further upgrade themselves from animals in terms of social relations.
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    Historical Materialist Interpretation of Ecocivilization
    OUYANG Zhi-yuan
    Teaching and Research    2008, (9): 46-51.  
    Abstract1234)      PDF (1288KB)(1803)       Save
    Ecocivilization,the highest estate of the progress of material and culture,belongs to a logical system consisted of agriculture civilization,industrial civilization,and ecocivilization.A pre-requisite of developing ecocivilization is adjusting technology of production aimed at a leap in the method of material transformation between man and nature so as to realize freedom in nature.To strive for the freedom in nature,man has to resort to freedom in the society with freedom of consciousness as the premise.In this regard,construction of ecocivilization inevitably corresponds to a high-level civilization.This is similar to the requirement of agriculture civilization and industry civilization,but in a much more profound sense.Construction of ecocivilization in China should emphasize material production and realize the dialectic reversion.To achieve this it is necessary to emphasize high-level civilization,especially the reaction of spiritual civilization.
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    On Development of the Subject Dialectics of Nature
    OUYANG Zhi-yuan
    Teaching and Research    2006, (11): 12-19.  
    Abstract1216)      PDF (1326KB)(1772)       Save
    Since the latter part of the 20th century,the subject Dialectics of Nature has met with severe challenge due to the rapid progress of modern science as a whole.Consequently,some of the old problems become obvious again accompanied by some new ones.Among these problems are:how to define Dialectics of Nature as a subject;some controversial issues in studies of Dialectics of Nature;and relationships of Dialectics of Nature with related disciplines.Solving these problems is a premise for further development of the subject Dialectics of Nature in the new century.
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    Some Concepts concerning Opening up of West China
    OUYANG Zhi-yuan
    Teaching and Research    2000, (6): 11-15.  
    Abstract1041)      PDF (390KB)(1543)       Save
    Experience in history and requirement of the time tell us that in order to open up the west we must first reach agreement upon certain concepts. First of all, enough attention must be paid to the function of soft science so as to develop appropriate cultural climate; Secondly, technological development must be directed towards ecological balance with full considerations to suitability of each technology project with regard to the local conditions; And thirdly, a scale of comprehensive social criteria for the development of the west should be adopted instead of simply using economic measures. Otherwise it is impossible to keep short-term behaviors in check.
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