ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    From “Ideological Morphology” to “Anatomy of a Practice”: An Analysis of Freeden's Theory of Ideology
    Meng Ruifeng
    Teaching and Research    2022, 56 (6): 106-115.  
    Abstract457)      PDF (7416KB)(252)       Save
    Michael Freeden is the most eminent scholar writing on ideology. He looks to move away from conceptions of ideology that interpret it as a form of “false consciousness” that consists in illusions. Instead, he sees ideology as the most dynamic and creative force of thought in the political world. He leads the study of political ideology back in an interpretive and analytic direction through examining the subtle differences of basic political concepts in different ideologies. He opposes the use of a political philosophy to provide a general sense of the grand narrative for political ideas. Facing various forms of ideology expressed as“isms”, Freeden attempts to decode various political discourses in a way of linguistic analysis, trace what is concealed or disguised behind political discourses, and reveal the possible hidden political intentions and practical motives behind these ideologies.
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    Analysis of “Consent” and “General will”
    Meng Ruifeng
    Teaching and Research   
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