ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    On Problems in Global Environmental Governance
    LU Jing
    Teaching and Research    2010, (8): 73-80.  
    Abstract1164)      PDF (1905KB)(1870)       Save
    The solution of environmental issues calls for global governance.At present,global environmental governance has achieved some progress,but is in grave difficulty.The root cause are environment "Accountability Deficit" and "Moral Values Default",so reforming global environmental governance should combine governmental,market and social factors to strengthen institution building,as to advance responsibility under the guidance of justice.
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    Global Governance:Perspective of Regionalism & Regional Governance
    LU Jing
    Teaching and Research    2008, (4): 55-60.  
    Abstract1206)      PDF (1279KB)(1730)       Save
    Global governance is the necessary requirement and logic result of the development of globalization and global issues.However,whether in theory or in practice,global governance is facing so much difficulty.Regionalism is now developing so fast,and there are some successful regional governance practices,such as EU governance.The development of regionalism and successful regional governance practice provide a possible choice for global governance which is now in difficulty.
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