ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    On the Common Foundation of Constructing the Community of Human Destiny
    Yang Hong-wei, Liu Dong
    Teaching and Research   
    Resource and Environment Problems Faced by China and The Construction of Harmonious World
    LIU Dong-guo
    Teaching and Research    2007, (11): 61-65.  
    Abstract1125)      PDF (566KB)(1666)       Save
    The situation of resource shortage and environment deterioration is getting worse with the rapid development of China’s economy.Problems in resource supply and environment protection will not only hamper China’s sustainable development,but also increase the possibility of international conflicts.Therefore,it is a precondition for China to overcome the resource and environment bottleneck if the Chinese government wants to realize its strategic envision in constructing a harmonious world.The idea to build up scientific outlook on development and to transform economic development mode prescribed in the Report of 17th CPC National Congress signals the begginning of a new form of civilization——Green Civilization.This adjustment will bring new hopes for the construction of a harmonious world.
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    A Review of Researches on Harmonious Society
    LIU Dong-jian
    Teaching and Research    2006, (2): 42-47.  
    Abstract1135)      PDF (1159KB)(1653)       Save
    A lot of studies have been carried out on the theory of harmonious society,and a series of discussions have been conducted,reaching agreement to a large extent over its background,concept,connotation and construct among researchers of this area.The author points out that further researches are called on to concentrate on such topics as harmonious philosophy,harmonious thinking,harmonious world and harmonious mechanism.
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    Idea Construction in Global Governace
    LIU Dong-guo
    Teaching and Research    2005, (4): 41-46.  
    Abstract1148)      PDF (689KB)(2163)       Save
    Problems of the global commons give rise to the issue of global governance in the agenda of international cooperation, which have stimulated severe contradiction against the present world order. Therefore, reform and reconstruction of the present world order are called upon. Revelation from the history shows that major changes in world order could not have been realized without a revolution of ideas. The first step of establishing a new world order is to establish new ideas that include new world views,values, and the casual relations.
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    Relationship between Enterprise and Market and Its Progress in Recent Years
    LIU Yan, LIU Dong
    Teaching and Research    2003, (1): 34-38.  
    Abstract1065)      PDF (611KB)(1565)       Save
    The author holds that the relationship between enterprise and market is one of co-existence and mutual replacement. Under circumstances of new economy, an enterprise can annex another and get reorganized, performing the function of the market; On the other hand, activities within an enterprise can become externalized, resulting in the market performing the function of the enterprise instead.
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    Environmental Security: A New Vision of International Security Cooperation
    Liu Dong-guo
    Teaching and Research    2002, (10): 49-54.  
    Abstract1124)      PDF (865KB)(1673)       Save
    Since late 1970s, United Nation and member states have been increasingly concerned with environmental security, which constitutes a new area for international security cooperation. The threats to nation states or to international security order include scramble for scarce resources, social disturbances caused by environmental degradation, endangerment of cross border pollution and transboundary movements of hazardous wastes to national interests, biological disorder or disappearance of species of wild Fauna and Flora, challenges to national sovereignty posed by biological interferism. These threats are quite different from traditional security idea. Therefor, we need to reshape international security system from a new angle, among which security demilitarization or supplementing the shortages of military security with comprehensive security is a inevitable trend.
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    Position and Function of Green Party in Unification of Europe
    LIU Dong-guo
    Teaching and Research    2001, (4): 57-62.  
    Abstract1100)      PDF (889KB)(1790)       Save
    Green Party represents a new political power arisen in the past30years in West Europe. From its very start it participated in the election of Euro pean Parliament, and turned out to be the third most influential political power in it. The Green Party has proposed a series of policies in economy, society, security and foreign affairs totally different from those of any other parties, and inserted obvious influence on actualization of European Union. In the latter half of 1990s, it joined the coalition government of 5 European countries and ev en found its way into such vital policy making bodies as European Commission and Council of European Union. Obviously, it now exercises greater and greater infl uence on decisions of European Union.
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    Property Right of Personnel Assets and Structural Evolution of Property Right of Enterprises
    LIU Dong
    Teaching and Research    2001, (11): 16-21.  
    Abstract1181)      PDF (761KB)(1550)       Save
    The author observes that property right of personnel assets rests on the labor forces, and capitalization of the profits of personnel assets is a historical tendency moving towards what Marx referred to as "private ownership based on sharing productive materials". The reform of state owned enterprises, in essence, means owners of personnel assets receives partial property of the enterprise in return for his profits, while freedom of contract stands for a means to guarantee valid dealings in the market. The author concludes that this principle should be followed in adaptation of property right of state owned enterprises in China.
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    Start the Movement towards the West, Promoting Development of West China
    ZHOU Li-qun, LIU Dong-xun
    Teaching and Research    2000, (12): 17-24.  
    Abstract1038)      PDF (1989KB)(1695)       Save
    As is known to all there exists unbalance in industry and economy among different countries and different regions. Generally speaking, industries at high-level regions may spontaneously move to low-level regions for room of further development. In a large country such as China it is only natural that we take advantage of this tendency to encourage waves of gradual movements among areas with different levels of economic growth. The author points out that since the second half of 1990s, relative advantages of labor-intensified industries in East China have been weakened or even disappeared. In addition, a sufficient industrial gap between East China and Central or West China has become quite evident. At this point, it is natural that labor-intensified industries in East China should move towards the west.
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