ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Reform of Philosophy Education Facing the 21st Century
    Liu Dachun
    Teaching and Research    1996, (5): 11-16,79.  
    Abstract975)      PDF (2617KB)(1504)       Save
    The coming 21st century is bringing both serious challenges and rare opportunities on philosophy and philosophical education in China. Therefore we should, with enhanced vigor and pragmatic attitude. extricatefrom temporary predicament by setting up the National Philosophy Base: we should adhere to Marxism andad just to new ideas of upgrading key disciplines and programs leading to doctors degree; we should developnew methods of framing philosophers as well as philosophically trained professionals in various fields; weshould serve for foe competence education and try to improve our students’ power of reasoning; we should reorganize and refresh the present curriculum and work out new courses and textbooks to suit the new condition.
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