ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Marx and Engels' Concept of “the Proletariat” and its Modern Development
    Lin Feng, Wang Xianpeng
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (1): 35-44.  
    Abstract1582)      PDF (7272KB)(444)       Save
    With the changes in the working modes and living conditions of the working class in developed capitalist countries, the argument of the “disappearance of the proletariat” has emerged and produced considerable influence in the academic circle. In order to respond to this argument, we must go back to the classic writings of Marxism, examine and restore the original meaning of the concept of “the proletariat” developed by Marx and Engels, and refer to the new changes in contemporary capitalist society to make a new interpretation of the concept of “the proletariat” that is in line with the characteristics of the times. “Being compelled by their lack of ownership of the means of production to sell their labor power to capitalists to earn a living” is the core feature of “the proletariat” described by Marx and Engels. In the modern world, the persistence of social groups of this profile demonstrates the continued strong explanatory power and applicability of the concept in contemporary times. It is worth noting that the new changes in contemporary capitalist society objectively constitute a challenge to Marx and Engels' conception of “the proletariat”. As modern Marxists, we should defend and develop the concept of “the proletariat” in the modern context, and make new provisions and interpretations of “the proletariat” on the premise of adhering to its rational core. Specifically, the scope of application of this concept should be expanded from the narrow sense of material production to the broad field of labor with much diversity, and the targeted group of the concept should be adjusted from the absolute poor to the relatively poor, thereby endowing this classic concept with stronger and broader explanatory power.

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    Did Engels Actually Propose the "Roman Model" as an Origin of State?——An Analysis Based on Interpretation of "the Origin of Family,Private Ownership and State"
    LIN Feng
    Teaching and Research    2006, (5): 84-89.  
    Abstract1281)      PDF (2289KB)(1726)       Save
    A general consensus has been reached among scholars at home and abroad that by means of studying the origin of three states,that is,Athens,Rome and Germany,Engels put forward three models of the origin of states,namely,the "Athens model",the "Roman model" and the "Germanic model".The paper claims that this viewpoint is not in line with Engels’ idea and there is sufficient evidence to prove that Engels did not consider the origin of Roman state a separate or a second model different from that of the Athenian state.The so-called "Roman model" did not exist.It has resulted from misunderstanding of relevant thoughts of Engels.
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