ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    A Review: Study of Social Impact Assessment in Western
    Li Qiangbin, Xiao Xiang
    Teaching and Research   
    Modernization And the Structural Changes of Social Stratification in China
    Li Qiang
    Teaching and Research    1996, (3): 26-29,78.  
    Abstract1028)      PDF (2589KB)(1444)       Save
    Before the reform,the Chinese society was divided. into social status groupssuch as the urban residents,the peasants, the workers, the caders, and the workunit system as well. After the reform, the social status system is declining, urbaniztion is going on, the peasants have become divided into different occupationalgroups, the working class and the business men are expanding. Right now thesechanges are still in progress.
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