ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Macroeconomic Theoretical Contributions of Hyman Minsky
    Li Li-li
    Teaching and Research   
    On the Changes in German Labor Relations since the 1990s
    LI Li-lin, CHEN Li-wen
    Teaching and Research    2010, (1): 85-92.  
    Abstract1302)      PDF (1838KB)(1904)       Save
    Labor relations in Germany have met severe challenges ever since the start of 1990s. The major cause for this is the tremendous changes in the German political and economic situation and the international environment in the past 20 years.The problems of high unemployment rate and low economic growth that have continued for years resulted in intensified labor relations.As a consequence,the group negotiation system of the laborers,the capitalists and the government as well as that of the occupation levels are also challenged and obliged to change.The author holds that studies of the changes in the German labor relation system will shed light on similar changes and development ocurring in other countries in the new situation with profound references.
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