ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Marx's Resolution of the Triple Contradictions in Kants Philosophy of History 
    Li Junshi
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (11): 55-65.  
    Abstract133)      PDF (8014KB)(74)       Save
    Kant's philosophy of history, due to its dualistic stance, has never been able to overcome the contradictions between historical inevitability and human freedom, the nonsocial and social nature of human beings, and civil constitutionalism and human morality. The ontological revolution embodied in Marxs concept of activity or practice not only opens up a new perspective on the nature of the world, but also bridges the logical gap between phenomenon and ontology, nature and freedom, and sensibility and rationality. Marxs philosophical thinking not only brings a comprehensive ontological focus to the triple contradictions in Kants philosophy of history, but also makes authentic historical materialist responses to the unity of historical laws and humans free behavior, emotional pursuit and moral progress, and external legal rights and social historical development.

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    Research on the Logical Framework and Construction Path of Chinas Modernized Economy
    Ma Yan, Li Jun, Zhang Siyang
    Teaching and Research   
    Knowledge, Belief and Equilibrium——A Discussion on the Belief System of Solution Concept
    Li Jun-lin1, Wang Qi-zhi2, Yao Dong-min3
    Teaching and Research   
    On Incentive Facilities for State-owned Enterprise Managers——Implicit Incentives under Circumstances of Partial Competition
    LI Jun-lin
    Teaching and Research    2007, (4): 37-42.  
    Abstract1077)      PDF (632KB)(1645)       Save
    The paper first examines theories of implicit incentives,then offers an analysis of the operating performance of state-owned enterprises(shortened as SOEs) in China.In the light of this the paper discusses the forms of implicit incentives in state-owned enterprises with reference to the operational requirement and characteristics of SOEs.Problems of implicit incentives in SOEs are explored at the level of the system,and conclusions are reached accordingly.
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    Corporation Reputation and Implicit Claims
    Li Jun-lin
    Teaching and Research    2004, (12): 50-56.  
    Abstract1173)      PDF (2837KB)(1607)       Save
    From the perspective of contract theory, the paper explains the relation between corporation and its value. We argue that in selling a product or service or purchasing inputs, companies issue both explicit claims and implicit claims. Implicit claims have a value only if stakeholders will believe the company will honor them. It is in this context that reputation generates value to firms. The paper suggests that corporate reputation should be viewed through the lens of implicit contracts.
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    Institutions, Institutional Evolution and Game Equilibrium
    LI Jun-lin, LI Shi-yin
    Teaching and Research    2001, (10): 44-50.  
    Abstract1100)      PDF (728KB)(2217)       Save
    The author points out that evolutionary game theory has inserted significant influence on the new systemic economics ever since it was introduced into this study area. It has offered a different interpretation of the transition of systems, though. Three methods of analysis are prominent today. They are a theory of the evolutionary emergence of social conventions, a theory of exchange or contract, and a bargaining theory. These theories are inter complementary to a certain degree. Therefore, integration of the three seems to be the only way to reach satisfactory solutions to problems.
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    “Three Representatives" and Construction of Chinese Communist Party in 21st Century
    LI Jun-ru
    Teaching and Research    2000, (8): 5-16.  
    Abstract1169)      PDF (1170KB)(1602)       Save
    The “three representatives" raised by Jiang Zemin is a key to carrying out Deng Xiaoping’s political ideas. The concept is formed in response to new problems arising at the turn of the century that face the Party. Actually it is meant, in essence, to ensure that the Party maintains the advanced quality. The key point lies in the word “representative",maintains the extensiivt representation. The author points out that to adhere to this idea is not without difficulty. The worst problem is how to integrate the “three representatives". Emphasis should be put on the quality of the Party as pioneers of the working class. The author concludes that “three representatives" can serve as a guideline in Party construction.
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