ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    How Do We Understand “Space” Today? Also on the Futurity of Marxs Analysis of Space
    Li Chunmin
    Teaching and Research    2024, 58 (8): 32-42.  
    Abstract50)      PDF (12453KB)(27)       Save
    Marx's analysis of space presents profound futurity, which is reflected in his discussions on “flowing space”, “open space”, “empty space” and “space of technology”. The space in these four dimensions constructs our basic understanding of space today, and provides the following important theoretical enlightenment for us to examine the production of space for human beings in contemporary times. First, the spatial condition of human beings in the age of capital is bound to undergo a profound change, which requires us to construct a new spatial epistemology and spatial value theory. Second, although the contemporary production of space for human beings is pluralistic and heterogeneous in form, it is profoundly homogeneous in essence, which is prominently reflected in the dual discipline of capital and technology in the contemporary production of space. Third, space is not only a new site of determining social dynamics, but also a new place for alienation. Fourth, the philosophy of space today needs to highlight the problem of the placement of the human spiritual world, and to construct a system of meaning based on such mobility in the volatile and uncertain production of space. 

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    The Interpretation of Spatial Dialectics: A Marxist Perspective
    Li Chunmin
    Teaching and Research    2022, 56 (7): 66-73.  
    Abstract402)      PDF (6337KB)(226)       Save
    Marx opens up fresh ground for the discussion on the spatial dialectics. Historical materialism does not lack the spatial analyses, in which the production of space itself is embedded in Marx's dialectical notion of history. Space is not only an objective space in the scientific sense, but also a specific social and historical process. Marxs spatial dialectics can be interpreted mainly in four ways: the “natural space” and the dialectics of nature, the “historical space” and the dialectics of history, the “social space” and the dialectical view of society, and the “utopia space” and the dialectics of utopia.

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