ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Institutional Analysis of China’s Participation in UN Regulations against Torture
    LIU Zhen-ye
    Teaching and Research    2008, (9): 52-58.  
    Abstract1113)      PDF (1700KB)(1571)       Save
    Ever since the entry into the UN System of Regulations against Torture,China has been actively involved in related international conventions,and cooperated with UN institutions against torture and similar organizations of various countries and regions in the world.The steps of reform in the system of administration,legislation and justice are quickened.There have been three different interpretations in the academic circle about the causes and motives for China to participate in regulations against tortures,namely,the strategy theory,the stimulus-response theory,and the beneficial theory.However,all three tend to reason on the simple expected results logic and are not sufficiently persuasive.This paper attempts to refer to the theory of social adaptive logic of sociological institutionalism to offer a new interpretation by analyzing five aspects the institution provides for the participants,namely,meaning construct,cognitive dimension,social legitimacy,the cognitive map about the shared issue network,and common characters of the participants.
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    On International Multilateral Organizations and Non-government Organizations:Lack of Legitimacy and Compensation
    LIU Zhen-ye
    Teaching and Research    2007, (8): 54-62.  
    Abstract1474)      PDF (1897KB)(1983)       Save
    In recent years,with the progress of globalization,global issue and crises are becoming increasingly serious.The international multilateral organizations,especially the various global agencies within the United Nations,are performing a more important role in coping with international affairs,which has led to the consequent crisis of questioning their legitimacy.Under such circumstances,involvement of non-governmental organizations contributes to the justification of international multilateral organizations,promotes effectiveness of their administration,and compensates,to a certain degree,for their weaknesses and defects
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