ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Social Policy and Anti-Poverty:International Experience and the Chinese Practice
    LI Ying-sheng, NIE Qi
    Teaching and Research    2009, (6): 16-21.  
    Abstract1198)      PDF (998KB)(2261)       Save
    The authors maintain that since the implementation of the reform and open-up policies marked progress in anti-poverty policy-making has been achieved.However,considering the new tendency and characters of anti-poverty policies abroad,ours have showed many defects.The shift of focus has lagged behind,relevant policies are made only by a single body of organization,involvement on the part of the subjects is insufficient,the level of open-up is low,the operational measures are traditional,to name a few.It is an urgent task that we refer to international anti-poverty policies to promote reform and innovation of our own.
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    Reform and Innovation in Social Policies Concerning the Rural Area
    LI Ying-sheng, ZHANG Chao-xiong
    Teaching and Research    2008, (1): 18-23.  
    Abstract1187)      PDF (946KB)(1674)       Save
    Social policies concerning the rural areas not only provide institutional foundation for social construction,they are also the major focus of and approach to social construction in the rural areas.The paper,therefore,attempts to offer a systematic analysis of the current situation and problems in social policies concerning the rural areas from the horizontal,vertical and process dimensions.Preliminary ideas about promoting reform and innovation of the current rural social policies are offered accordingly.
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    Institution Construction and Social Justice
    LI Ying-sheng
    Teaching and Research    2007, (5): 44-50.  
    Abstract1128)      PDF (900KB)(1589)       Save
    Social justice is one of the basic characteristics of harmonious society.To ensure that all the people enjoy a fair share of the achievements of social development is the essential pursuit and focus of social justice.Since institution functions to safeguard social justice,the paper attempts to present a comprehensive discussion of relevant institutional aspects and their operational mechanism.The institutional aspects discussed include construction of the institutions of financial transferring payments,income distribution,coordination of taxation,social security and social mutual assistance.Discussion of the operational mechanism,on the other hand,consists of those of appealing and reaction,democratic participation,integration and coordination,evaluation and revision.
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    Volunteer Service and Guarantee of the Rights of the Unprivileged
    LI Ying-sheng
    Teaching and Research    2005, (3): 27-32.  
    Abstract1063)      PDF (851KB)(1733)       Save
    The author holds that in a society where the government and the social security system do not exercise sufficient power to ensure guarantee of the rights of the unprivileged, it is of significant importance to resort to organizations of young volunteers whose volunteer services can perform the role, as a compensation, of protecting the basic rights of the unprivileged and, in turn, promote social justice and harmony. Considering the nature and demands of volunteer service for the unprivileged as being perpetual, complicated and highly professional, certain service as offered by the young volunteers is still in need of improvement.
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    Social Policies and Social Harmony
    LI Ying-sheng
    Teaching and Research    2005, (12): 13-18.  
    Abstract1071)      PDF (928KB)(1765)       Save
    With the quickening steps of social transition,the problems of the underprivileged become serious,which will undoubtedly bring harmful effect to establishing harmony in the society.Here social policies perform a unique function of supporting the underprivileged,solving social problems and promoting social justice.Unfortunately,the limitations of the current social policies in China,such as being subordinate,incomplete,discriminating unsteady and of low efficiency.Therefore,the author concludes,it is time that we speed up the reform of the social policy system.
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