ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    he New Mission of State-owned Enterprises: A Policy Toolkit of the State Will to Innovate 
    Jia Genliang
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (3): 47-55.  
    Abstract353)      PDF (6244KB)(141)       Save
    In a modern innovative economy, one of the important functions and new missions of the stateowned enterprises (SOEs), as missionoriented enterprises in the public sector, is to replace and complement some of the functions of the government. As a policy toolkit of the state will to innovate, SOEs play three main roles: (1) as a powerful tool to break the dominant influence of vested interest groups and traditional thinking, SOEs promote the reform of the national innovation system; (2) SOEs play a major role in dealing with these major social and global challenges, such as energy transition, climate change, public health, income inequality and population aging; and (3) SOEs play an irreplaceable special role in the technological catchup of latedeveloping countries (e.g. China). This theory applies to large SOEs and to all knowledge and technologyintensive SOEs, regardless of size. The paper specifically discusses the important role of large SOEs as organizers and coordinators in building China's local innovation network and local innovation community; it suggests that SOEs should be used as a policy toolkit to change the unfavorable situation concerning the current “internal selfcirculation” of scientific research activities in universities and research institutes. 

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    Value Extraction without Accumulation: The Crisis and Enlightenment of US Corporate Shareholder Governance System
    Jia Genliang, Li Jiarui
    Teaching and Research    2022, 56 (9): 53-66.  
    Abstract364)      PDF (9855KB)(207)       Save
    As the leading management paradigm in the US, shareholder primacy has caused a disconnect between corporate profit margins and the rate of accumulation, leading to a longterm economic stagnation of “prosperity without investment”. Influenced by the principle of “shareholder value maximization”, American listed companies now show distinct characteristics of deaccumulation. The value extraction method represented by stock repurchase and stock dividend aims to expand financial returns, undermining the industrial capital accumulation process of “retainandreinvest”. Based on the growth dynamics of the stock market, enterprises are forced to become shortsighted, which intensifies the speculative nature of investment decisionmaking by managers. Large corporations sit back taking no notice of the decline of their internal innovation capacity, and maintain their market position by monopoly rents. As a key microcomposition of the neoliberal social structure of accumulation (SSA) in the United States, the shareholder governance model takes advantage of the characteristics of innovative activities to capture the social benefits originally belonging to the government and laborers, exposing the exploitative and parasitic nature of the capitalist mode of production. 
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    A Review of Job Guarantee Theory and Its Controversy in the Modern Monetary Theory School
    Jia Genliang, Chu Shanshan
    Teaching and Research   
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