ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Virtual Economy:An Effective Tool for Transformation of the Capitalist Mode of Production
    HE Wen-tao, WANG Cheng-jin
    Teaching and Research    2007, (6): 14-19.  
    Abstract1162)      PDF (1545KB)(1622)       Save
    The author points out that an accurate expression of the analysis paradigm "productive force—production relations" in classics of Marxism should be "productive force—production mode—production relations",as the latter can better reflect the essence of economic activities and human social development in a more logical way.Starting from the analysis of this paradigm, the paper then discusses the major changes in the mode of production,that is,the "mode that secures our own life",in the developed capitalist countries,which has been a consequence of the general development of virtual economy.These changes include the following: reduced reliance of production on the material capital,possibilities for the laborers to get rid of the control of production capital,more sources of income,changes in the needs of the consumers,higher professional level of the laborers,and hence labor is freed from the capital.All these changes have led to transformation of the capitalist mode of production marked by the control of capital over labor and labors.In this sense,virtual economy is an effective tool to ensure that this transformation can take place.
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