ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Understanding the Causal Relations in IR:Theoretical Interpretations and Implications
    Guan Kong-wen,Fang Le-xian
    Teaching and Research   
    Historical Institutionalism and Its Explanation of European Integration
    FANG Le-xian
    Teaching and Research    2010, (6): 57-62.  
    Abstract1428)      PDF (1273KB)(1675)       Save
    As an important branch of new institutionalism,historical institutionalism is remarkable because of its definition of institution,its actor preference,and its creation and evolution of institutions.Historical institutionalism offers unique assumptions and interpretation of EU polity and European integration.The path dependency theory,one of its core concepts,is of much importance to understand European integration.Starting with the general characters of historical institutionalism,the article attempts to discuss the main-stream explanations of European integration with an analysis of the fundamental concepts of historical institutionalism,focusing on the implications of institutions and path dependency.A reflection on the advantages and limitations of this approach in interpreting European integration is also presented.
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    Analysis of the Current EU-China Relations with Respect to the Tenth EU-China Summit
    FANG Le-xian
    Teaching and Research    2008, (4): 61-66.  
    Abstract1139)      PDF (1066KB)(1595)       Save
    The Current EU-China relation is at a crutial phase of breaking new ground for the future.The tenth EU-China Summit was held just under such important circumstances.From the major agendas and consensus of the summit,several characters of the current EU-China political relations are identified.First,there are signs of extending strategic consensus but with insufficient political mutual trust;Second,cooperation in economy and trade is one of the most important motives for the EU-China overall strategic relation,but this is accompanied by increasing trade disputes;Third,the all-round wide–range and multi-level cooperation will continue,but more measures of institutionalization and standardization are required to meet the needs of future cooperation.
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    A Review of the Researches about "The State of Nature" and Its Implications for IR Theories
    SUN Xue-feng, FANG Le-xian
    Teaching and Research    2007, (10): 84-90.  
    Abstract1187)      PDF (2282KB)(2174)       Save
    "The state of nature" put forward by Hobbes and Locke is one of the most doctrines in the history of western political theories, which has had significant influences on western political thoughts and international relations theories. Hobbes and Locke had their own ideas of the state nature, which has attracted the attention of the scholars in this area, and scholars have done lots of research from different perspectives. In this article, the authors review and evaluate the basic characteristics of findings of various relevant researches about Hobbes and Locke’s state of nature.
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    Thinking on New Measures of EU to Strengthen Foreign Policies
    FANG Le-xian
    Teaching and Research    2007, (1): 70-76.  
    Abstract1141)      PDF (824KB)(1572)       Save
    The document" Europe in the World"issued by European Commission in June 2006 has been the outcome of the EU meditation on globalization,on the new challenges incurred in the process of globalization,and their reflections on their recent foreign policies as well.This paper analyzes the background and major basic principles of this document,emphasizing the premise and important steps of strengthening the effect of foreign policies as conveyed in the document.Based on this analysis,the paper discusses the implications of these policies and possible factors that may control operationalization of the ideas expressed in the document.The author argues that this document has greater symbolic significance than practical meaning.
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    Structure of International System and International Stability:A Review of Contending Assumptions
    FANG Le-xian
    Teaching and Research    2006, (6): 81-87.  
    Abstract1074)      PDF (932KB)(2060)       Save
    With clarification of definitions of the concept "pole" in the international system,the paper analyzes the meaning and characteristics of different structures of international system and reviews the three major theoretical assumptions on causal relationships of international structures with respect to international stability,namely,the unipolarity stability,bipolarity stability and multipolarity stability.These controversial theories are then evaluated in the light of this review.
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    China’s Strategic Judgment on Multipolarity: Evolution and Features
    Fang Le-xian
    Teaching and Research    2004, (10): 70-76.  
    Abstract1176)      PDF (2688KB)(1580)       Save
    This paper discusses the evolution process of China’s major conception and strategic judgment on world multipolarity by comprehensive reviewing of Chinese government’s official documents. The author argues that the process has undergone three phases; the initial proclaiming in early 1990s, the clearer defining in mid and late 1990s and further enriching and developing in the beginning of the new century. On this basis, The paper also analyzes the major features of this strategic judgment and its implications to China’s foreign policy.
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    Federalism and European Integration
    Fang Le-xian
    Teaching and Research    2002, (1): 64-69.  
    Abstract1261)      PDF (845KB)(2432)       Save
    Federalism is a political integration theory which originates from very old sources of ideas. It argues that integration should proceed in the form of federation by making a federal constitution and establishing supranational institutions, by which the central and local authorities can check and balance each other in power and peace and security in a state or an area could be maintained. It strongly tries to push the political unity of Europe into the direction of European Federation or the ‘United States of Europe’. Its ideas have been attempted in European integration process, and few substansive advancements have been achieved. However, it still has had an important influence on the European integration.
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    Functionalism in Theory of European Integration
    FANG Le-xian
    Teaching and Research    2000, (10): 34-38.  
    Abstract1324)      PDF (552KB)(2243)       Save
    Functionalism is one of the major theories to understanding European integration after the World War Two.It holds the idea of restricting national states to achieve the objective of peace as a starting point,and proposes setting up functional world organizations whose structures are in line with the functions.Functionalists believe that cooperation may automatically expand,that is,successful cooperation in one area may stimulate cooperation in other areas.To a large extent it is functionalism that has influenced and shaped the process of European integration.Nevertheless,the functionalist theory is not without limitations because of such defects as insufficient theoretical assumptions,rigid classification of “technical” and “political”functions,and the tendency of over emphasizing the wisdom of technical experts,etc.
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