ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    New Insights into Western Marxism
    CHEN Xue-ming
    Teaching and Research    2008, (9): 80-84.  
    Abstract1139)      PDF (2256KB)(1794)       Save
    Doing research on "Western Marxism" is difficult because the researchers have to read original works written in foreign languages to understand the ideas of western scholars.It is even more difficult to evaluate their works by referring to appropriate criteria and make sound judgments.To study "Marxism in the west" we need a strong desire to explore into the theories and find solutions to major theoretical and practical issues.The author,for example,has undergone changes in views towards "Western Marxism" in the process of research concerning the following ideas: the "radical Marxism" related to the so-called "left-wing","the scholastic Marxism" divorced from reality,"’philosophic’ Marxism" confined to the fields of philosophy and aesthetics,"reconciled and compromised Marxism" that combines modern western thoughts with Marxism,"critical Marxism" that attempts to destroy and reject,and "Marxism in developed capitalist society" that is suitable only for modern industrial society.
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    In Defence of Marx:After Reading SPECTORS OF MARX by Derrida
    CHEN Xue-ming
    Teaching and Research    2000, (1): 30-35.  
    Abstract1524)      PDF (1028KB)(1703)       Save
    The social upheaval in Soviet Union and East Europe can not be regarded as an indication of failure of Marxism.On the contrary,without Marx we will not have a future in the first place.For this reason,Marx should be read and dwelled on in the new historical context.In fact,all human beings on the earth are inheritors of Marx to a certain extent.Moreover,challenged by the hegemony of the ”new international"it is of utmost importance that we fall back on Marxist critical spirit.
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    New Introspection of western Scholars over Marxism
    Chen Xue-ming
    Teaching and Research    1997, (4): 23-28,63,64.  
    Abstract1197)      PDF (1195KB)(1715)       Save
    This articles offers a systematic analysis of the latest findings of Marxist studies in the west.The western Marxist conclusion is quite right that failure of Soviet and East European patterns of socialism does not indicate failure of socialism as a whole.However,their view that Leninism is against Marxism is not justified.These faithful Marxists argue for the feasibility of Marxism today,raising three points to support their thesis:(1),Marxist theory as valuable heritage of all mankind:(2),the intensified contradictions within modern capitalism;and (3),the outstanding achievement of socialist China.We should say that their arguments are sufficient and admirable,though not powerful enough theoretically.For one thing they are right to maintain the point of view of development,wholeness,and practice;for another,they are wrong to explain the multi variant nature of Marxism with different forms of Marxism,and they tend to cut off the links between Marxism and Marxist parties.What is more.they are wrong to consider that Marxist market economics and Marxist theories on power and state are already out of date.Obviously they are concerned about Marxist theories on human development,on criticism of capitalism and establishment of harmonious relationship between nature and mankind.All this can assist us in our theoretical studies as well as in construction of modernization.
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