Teaching and Research ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (11): 122-131.
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Abstract: Henri Lefebvre regarded the urban society as an advanced form of human society after the agricultural society and industrial society. In the process of criticizing the modernization of capitalist cities, he constructed a three-dimensional theory of urban society: economically, abandoning the logic of capital and forming a space of difference; politically, safeguarding urban rights and seeking spatial justice; and culturally, overcoming the alienation of individuals and moving towards the“totaler Menschen”. On the new journey towards building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way, China faces the issues of how to advance the construction of urban modernization and how to promote the development of urban society, for which Lefebvre’s theory of urban society provides important implications. We should explore development paths of urban space diversification with differentiated spaces, guarantee the demands of urban residents in all aspects with spatial justice, realize the all-round development of people that cultivates the “totaler Menschen”, and improve the level of urban modernization through digital empowerment.
Key words: Henri Lefebvre, urban society, urban modernization
摘要: 列斐伏尔将都市社会视为继农业社会和工业社会之后,人类社会发展的进阶样态,并在批判资本主义城市现代化的过程中建构了都市社会的三维图景:经济上,摒弃资本逻辑,形成差异空间;政治上,保障城市权利,寻求空间正义;文化上,克服异化状态,走向“总体的人”。在全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程上,面对我国城市现代化建设如何推进、城市社会如何发展等现实问题,我们可以从列斐伏尔所描绘的都市社会图景中获得批判性的理论借鉴,即以差异空间探索城市空间多元化的发展路径、以空间正义保障城市居民各方面诉求、以“总体的人”实现人的全面发展、以数字赋能提升城市现代化水平。
关键词: 列斐伏尔, 都市社会, 城市现代化
Dong Hui, Zhao Hang. Lefebvre‘s Three-dimensional Conceptualization of Urban Society and its Enlightenment of the Times[J]. Teaching and Research, 2022, 56(11): 122-131.
董慧, 赵航. 列斐伏尔建构都市社会的三维图景及其时代启示[J]. 教学与研究, 2022, 56(11): 122-131.
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