Teaching and Research ›› 2020, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (11): 21-36.
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Abstract: The endogenous motivation based on human factors is the internal motivation for promoting a country's modernization. If a country community has a strong endogenous drive for modernization, the smooth and sustainable advancement of the country's modernization process will become a high probability. On the contrary, if the endogenous driving force of a country's modernization is weak, the advancement of the country's modernization will be very difficult, and it will even be abandoned halfway. The endogenous power of modernization is an organic combination of modern content and national tradition. The endogenous power of modernization is mainly composed of the three most important key elements: primary power, improvement ability, and adjustment ability. Primary power focuses on the initiation and maintenance of the basic power of modernization; capacity enhancement focuses on the continuous upgrading of modernization capabilities; adaptation capabilities focus on the guarantee of a safe environment for modernization and the release path of modernization momentum.
Key words: endogenous power of modernization, primary power, improvement ability, adjustment ability, modernization construction
摘要: 以人的因素为主的内生动力是一个国家共同体现代化建设赖以推进的最为重要的内在动因。一个国家共同体如果拥有强劲的现代化内生动力,那么,这个国家现代化进程顺利、可持续的推进便会成为一件大概率的事情。相反,一个国家的现代化内生动力如果偏弱,那么,这个国家现代化建设的推进无疑是十分艰难的,甚至会半途而废,或者变形走样。现代化内生动力具有两个明显特征:向共同体自身“内部”而不是“外部”寻求动力;现代化内生动力是现代化内容与民族传统两者的有机结合。现代化内生动力主要是由原生动力、提升能力和调适能力这样三个最为重要的关键要素所构成的。这三个关键构成要素各有各的重要功能,缺一不可。原生动力侧重于现代化建设基础动力的启动和维系;提升能力侧重于现代化建设能力的不断升级换代;调适能力则侧重于现代化建设安全环境的保障和现代化建设动能的释放路径。
关键词: 现代化内生动力, 原生动力, 提升能力, 调适能力, 现代化建设
Wu Zhongmin. On Endogenous Power of Modernization[J]. Teaching and Research, 2020, 54(11): 21-36.
吴忠民. 论现代化内生动力[J]. 教学与研究, 2020, 54(11): 21-36.
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