ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research

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The Evolution of Chinas Wealth Concept in the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening up and the Reflection on Its Modernity#br#

Ning Dianxia   

  1. Department of Ideological and Political Education, Xian Translation College, Xian, Shaanxi 710105
  • Online:2018-09-16 Published:2018-10-12



  1. 西安翻译学院思政部
  • 作者简介:宁殿霞,西安翻译学院思政部副教授(陕西 西安710105),复旦大学中国研究院博士后(上海 200433)。
  • 基金资助:


Forty years of reform and opening up are the critical period for the evolution of Chinese traditional wealth concept to modern wealth concept. The wealth creation mode changed from the initial accumulation to activating the future. The preservation of wealth has mainly experienced such forms as “hiding”, “depositing” and “investing”. The accumulation of wealth has shifted from the accumulation of material wealth to the accumulation of money wealth, and the measure of wealth has gradually shifted from material wealth and monetary wealth to the wealth shown by data. The evolution of wealth concept embodies not only the track of Chinas modernity development, but also the appearance of the superiority of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Since the eighteen CPC National Congress, a series of policies of the Party and the state have shown the nature of people and the affinity of wealth. It foreshadowed the compose of peoples wealth theory and the advent of the era of wealth sharing.

Key words: 40 years of reform and opening up , modernity , wealth concept , peoples nature , wealth sharing

摘要: 改革开放40年是中国人传统财富观念向现代财富观念嬗变的关键期,财富创造模式从最初的积累过去转向激活未来,财富的保存主要经历了“藏”“存”“投”等形式,财富积累模式从物质财富积累转向货币财富积累,财富衡量尺度从物质财富、货币财富逐步转向以数据显示的财富。财富观念的嬗变不仅体现着中国现代性发育的轨迹,更是中国特色社会主义优越性的显现。中共十八大以来,党和国家的一系列政策体现出财富的人民性和共享性,预示着人民财富论的谱写和财富共享时代的来临。

关键词: 改革开放40年 , 现代性 , 财富观念 , 人民性 , 财富共享